Founded in 2008, YORHealth is a nutrition and wellness company serving up a variety of premium-quality health products created with the highest standards of scientific integrity.
Keeping the company mission of spreading health and happiness in the forefront of everything they do, YORHealth has helped customers gain muscle, increase energy levels, lose weight, and improve their overall well-being. YORHealth helped Sheel Patel from Maryland reach his goals, too. Recently, he took time to share the highlights of his success story with YORHealth.
It is often said that the environment you are born into often determines your success. Thankfully, at an early age I was shown all of the things I did not wish my life to be, making it that much easier to strive toward success. To summarize, I grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts. It’s a small, poor, pretty crime-ridden suburb where hardship is more common than happiness. My parents had an arranged marriage and came to this country not knowing the language, culture, what to expect, or each other. I always thought life should be more like the television show, “The Brady Bunch.” But, even though we weren’t a “Brady Bunch” family in terms of possessions, we were in terms of love.
I wanted to take care of my parents and make them proud, and that’s how my success started…desire. It wasn’t just about money. My deepest desire was to make my parents happy. I saw how hard they worked day in and day out – sacrificing their personal freedom for our future. I was INSPIRED. They were true leaders.
My love affair with YORHealth began because I saw that it would last forever. I had mentors who were very patient with me when I seemed to do nothing but cause headaches. My YORHealth business grew very gradually; it grew as I grew. Every year has been bigger than the previous year. I just kept on plugging away and every year it was compounding. It is an All-American story of success and things I could have never imagined came from it.
For the last year, I have seen our YORHealth team and my personal life take amazing upward shifts into momentum. I moved into a new home, gave my parents their dream vacation (a tour of Europe for 27 days) for their anniversary, and created enough duplication in the team that there is time freedom. For the first time ever in my YORHealth career, I am able to enjoy hobbies like basketball on my own time. Even took up a new hobby of interior design by renovating my parent’s home. It feels great to have been blessed with the opportunity to pay it forward.
I live a very abundant life filled with things I have always dreamed about. YORHealth is a lifestyle, not a business. We’re a group of people who are creating a vehicle based on friendship, integrity, and trust. That is why we are the best. This lifestyle has what we all look for: HAPPINESS. YORHealth is helping others find this through the best support system in the world, welcoming our loved ones to a DREAM LIFE.
Learn more about YORHealth at yorhealth.com.