Bert VanderMark: Wherever the oil pastel is your paint will not stick. Now you can have a lot of fun with that because you could draw all kinds of patterns with oil pastels.
Sarah: Hi I’m Sarah and I’m painting the silhouette of a mother’s belly. And I’m going to put a heart in each the belly and the mother’s heart and just kind of how Christ has made a way for me and my child to have the heart of Christ.
Ashley: I’m doing three crosses with hope, love, and faith. And then I’m writing out verses like “I am beautiful” “I am wonderful” and “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Beth: Hi my name is Beth and today Bert VanderMark came and worked with us on our art. And it meant a lot to me today because I was able to really just put into a painting what the Lord has been doing in my life and how He’s been pouring His spirit out upon my life. So my painting represents Jeremiah 1 where the Lord put His Words in my mouth and anointed me to do His good work. Thank you Bert.