Mario Romano
Junior high school players have the ability to create concussion-causing collisions, and Mario Romano is proud that coaches in his area take safety precautions seriously. However, Mr. Romano, who helped to bring Pop Warner Football to Colts Neck, New Jersey, knows that parents have concerns about concussions in youths who play football.
Even though these young football players aren’t fully mature yet, the dangers are still present. Mario Romano believes that the most important things to teach the players are correct hitting techniques. “Players unwittingly lunge with their helmet first, which seriously exposes them to a head/neck injury,” Mario Romano of Colts Neck states.
However, there are other very important aspects of safety that will help to protect the players. For instance, all the divisions are split into a player’s age and weight, Mario Romano explains. Also, all of the coaches are trained to teach players the correct hitting techniques. Those two basics, plus improvements that have been made in helmet technology, help to keep Mr. Romano certain that concussions will remain remarkably rare.
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